

Health Rosetta 

I am honored and excited to share that I was selected as one of the first 150 Benefits Advisors in the country to be accepted to the Health Rosetta Advisor Program, as recognition for the groundbreaking work we’ve done to better manage our clients’ health benefit spend. The even better news is that this membership provides me access to experts in methods other companies have used to more aggressively manage their health benefits.

Health Rosetta is a movement to help implement the fixes to our broken healthcare system that are already in existence.  We are very excited to join this effort to transform how we build, execute and manage high performance health benefits for our beloved employees.

We’re tired of the annual renewal process where we negotiate blindly, without all the proper data, that we’ve all been forced to endure for far too long.  We’re working with other employers to implement proven practices that reduce healthcare expenses, in some cases by as much as 40% and then keep them flat.  One of these methods is a multi-year strategic health benefits plan, which charts the course to increased efficiencies and which complements and supports your enterprise goals and human capital management strategies. If you don’t have one yet, let’s talk about getting one in place!

Please enjoy a free e-copy of a this book , The CEO’s Guide to Restoring the American Dream – How to Deliver World Class Health Care to Your Employees at Half the Cost, that provides an inside look at how public and private employers and unions across the U.S. are reducing their spending by 20% or more by applying simple, practical, and proven approaches.



San Diego Business Journal

Asian Business Association (ABA) San Diego 23rd Annual Scholarship & Award Gala

San Diego Asian Film Festival (SDAFF) Community Legacy Award